But Boethius is best known for The Consolation of Philosophy, a work he wrote in prison in 524 after his sudden arrest on charges of conspiracy and treason. He also wrote other tractates on the Trinity and against the heretics Nestorius and Eutyches, whose teachings about the relationship between the divine and human natures in Christ had been condemned by the Church. Among his theological works, the De Fide Catholica(On the Catholic Faith) was valued throughout the succeeding Middle Ages as a masterful explication of Christian teachings on (especially) redemption. Now better known for his philosophical and theological writings, Boethius translated a number of the works of Aristotle into Latin, wrote commentaries on Cicero, and authored original treatises on music, logic, and theology. 480 ce into a distinguished Roman aristocratic family, Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius achieved success in politics, along with his other accomplishments he was made consul in 510, and in 523 became Master of the King’s Offices, the highest post in the administration of Theodoric, the Ostrogothic king who since 493 had governed the western half of the Roman Empire. The prisoner wallows in self-pity until Lady Philosophy arrives, bringing instruction, comfort, and the key to control over one’s inner equilibrium no matter what happens.Įvents in History at the Time of the Prose-Poemīorn c. 536 ce.Ī high official under Theodoric, ruler of the Western Roman Empire, experiences a sudden reversal of fortune and languishes in prison under a death sentence. A prose-poetry work (prostmetrum) set in Rome written in Latin in 524 ce and published c.